Archive | August, 2014

The Secret of Getting to Leith Autopark Wendell

Pssst. We want to tell you a secret. It’s something that we wish wasn’t such a secret, so that’s why we’re telling you. You know the saying, the one about “secrets” and “no fun” and “unless you tell everyone.” So here it goes: Leith Autopark in Wendell is just minutes away from Raleigh. We’re talking […]

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The Wendell 300

Herodotus tells us that 300 Spartans held the gap of Thermopylae, resisting an army of more than one million Persians for three days. If you bowl twelve consecutive strikes, your score will be 300 – a perfect game. 300 is the sum of a pair of twin primes (149 + 151). It is also the […]

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